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About Greece
Where to stay?

Cheap flights to Greece

*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding € 29,90 booking fee.


Bordered by Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey, Greece is right at the edge of Europe tipping almost into the Asian continent with many of its islands far closer to Turkey than mainland Greece.

This means to the lucky visitor coming on holiday to Greece that many influences abound creating a country that has established European roots yet with a hint of Asian influence.

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Where to stay in Greece?

To visit Greece is to step back thousands of years and enter a world of myths and legends, gods and ancient art. But that is only a part of it. If you stay in a few of the hotels in Greece and spend time travelling around, you will also come across sunny islands, friendly people, and a thriving nightlife.

More on where to stay in Greece >>

*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding € 29,90 booking fee.

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